Increase your concentration and productivity

It's easy for our mind to focus on audiovisuals in social media more than on the task at hand.

Say goodbye to flies!

The world is more visual in the West than in the East, although due to globalization, the statistics have become closer. Today, the most effective ways to connect with someone and communicate, have become audiovisual and since they are easier to digest, these mechanisms compete for our attention with the person talking face-to-face with us.
And these forms of communication can become more entertaining and seek to connect with us through emotion, so that our brain, which loves comfort and short-term gratification, is more interested in investing a minute in social media than five minutes in a meeting, document or work training. Not being aware of what is happening, our prioritization may become a null effort.

There is no gift more appreciated by someone than being heard and understood because we feel important. By listening to others, we obtain information from them that allows us to learn and build relationships, projects, objectives and results. And when we make that work document or finish our training, we are the important ones: because the document will open space for us with the manager on duty as competent professionals who have prepared well or we will learn a new concept to apply in our work with knowledge and professionalism.

And so, what do we do to focus our attention? It seems easy: let’s turn off the cell phone, networks and email. It could be a clear solution for the time in which we must concentrate on something. Eventually we won’t get to that.
There is a previous possibility and it is to recognize that our mind loves to wander, throw out thoughts and it is our decision to follow them or not: “I should pay for the water bill”, “when I leave here I will pick up that”, “what happened with the last thing I saw on the social network?”….. and so on.

I imagine then, sitting in my meeting, or in front of my computer with a document or training, becoming aware that thoughts will appear to me – intrusive like flies – or the temptation to give myself a short-term gratification moment with an entertaining video and I will make the conscious decision of letting them go because, before entering into my task, I decided that I was going to concentrate on only one thing to do it well, to make my time worthwhile, to increase my professional effectiveness.

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