Personal and Professional Balance

I support your process making room for recreation, health and relationships with the people you care about in your life, to achieve greater satisfaction

How do you recharge your energy to stay focused,
productive and happy most of the time?

I often find professionals overwhelmed because they have to manage huge workloads and priorities in the organization in a manner that consumes all their time, preventing them from satisfying other personal interests such as sharing with the family, friends, or even practicing a hobby.

You will be able to review what internal dialogue is refraining you from including  rewarding activities in your agenda, that would allow you to recharge your energy in order to continue being labor productive and more satisfied with your life.

Stop and think about this for a few minutes consciously...

How satisfied would you feel if you shared more time with your partner and children?

What experiences would you like to share with family and friends creating memories worth remembering?

What new skills or knowledge could you develop to build your next professional self?

How would you master your personal finances, dedicating a few hours a week to plan and monitor how you are doing?

What levels of fatigue/stress do people in the organization report?

How much time are you dedicating to your personal recreation?

How is people performance currently in the organization?

Are people in the organization living by healthy habits?

My method will help you ...

Identify what aspects other than work, you can develop to achieve greater personal satisfaction in the medium and long term

Transform the beliefs that until now, have prevented you from acting to give importance to that aspect of your life you want to develop

Prepare a concrete plan, that can be executed immediately and measured in time, so as not to keep postponing action

Training content:

Wheel-of-life self-assessment of your current level of satisfaction with eight aspects that you consider important in your life

Identification of one or two aspects in your life where you can improve satisfaction

Review of the Energy Self-perception Model (1) to recognize how you should start generating a change

Identification of the possible types of blocks that have prevented you from acting so far

Belief and emotion modification exercise

Action plan creation that satisfy SMART(2) criteria

Methodology :

This program is delivered as a workshop for groups that seek personal satisfaction to be also part of the objectives of its members.

We can schedule individual 30-minute follow-up sessions for as long as you consider necessary to ensure the execution of your action plan.


On-premises or virtual

Investment depends on scope and format
  • Duration: 2-4 hours
  • Self-assessment form completed
  • Energetic Self-perception Model (1)
  • Workplan meeting SMART (2) criteria

(1) © Energetic Self -perception Model: Developed by Bruce Schneider 1999, 2006, 2018

(2) SMART: Acronym relating to the  criteria an achievable action plan must meet (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time Bound)

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