Technology: at human service

Let's have more human time by adopting new technologies.

We always do more as a team that working on our own. We all know that. Thus, human interaction matters.

However, the demands for indicators from our environment and the speed that current technological evolution tacitly imposes on our daily lives, often leave us with the feeling of not having time for human things “that are distracting and unproductive” and in many cases leave people with emptiness feelings that increase stress and anxiety.

Automation, artificial intelligence and any development to come will simply shorten our paths to solutions, opening up time slots for issues that we cannot easily correlate with productivity but deliver good benefits in in the long term, such as:
➡ Creating new strategies and innovating
➡ Acquiring new knowledge and skills
➡ Sharing with family, cultivating personal interests or exercising, “recharging physical and emotional batteries”
➡ Sharing with colleagues where we can recognize ourselves as humans and understand their interests and concerns, providing support, guidance and encouragement according to what they need

Sometimes it seems that achieving goals and indicators is done at the expense of our relationships and we feed the paradigm of not having time for more. But the reality is that if we take advantage of this technological moment that we have, to achieve greater productivity through automation, robots and artificial intelligence, we can open up time in our agendas to continue encouraging people around us, knowing their interests and concerns, as a support for their comprehensive development.

And taking advantage of technology will not only allow us to take care of people on our team but also of ourselves. Our “self-relationship” will also improve when we give ourselves quality time by eating consciously and without rushing, finding ways to sleep well and exercising our bodies.

I like to live my life thinking that we do not regret what we do but what we do not do (it is a popular phrase that I cannot find who attributes it to) and that is why I want my activities to be distributed between the productive and the human, at all levels. An additional reason to do so is that it is a fact that people sense of belonging to groups (family, affinity, work) increases the production of the so-called hormones of happiness making people feel grateful and satisfied.

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